Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!I'm Soooo stuffed!It's 7:30pm and I can finally sit down and rest. I'm sure all of you feel the same way too! I couldn't wait to get to my blog and show you some more of my projects. These are just two of the crochet hats I've made. I can't seem to make them quick enough though. My daughter "claimed" this gold one before I could finish it. I think it's my favorite one too. I love the little felt flowers on the side. I have some new thread and can't wait to start new projects. Well this is a short visit today. I still have much to clean-up, but loved having my family and friends over for Thanksgiving Dinner. See ya soon...

Thursday, July 1, 2010

The Latest!

This is my latest project. It's a crochet duffle bag/backpack! It's been a big hit and this one sold immediately, so I'm in the process of making more. It's very sturdy and will hold just about anything. As with all handmade items, it takes time to make this, but the more I make the faster I can crochet it. This really is very easy to make although I had to "tweek" the directions a bit. Only two stitches are involved; double crochet and double triple crochet. The red tie is just a red cord I found at a fabric store.
Well, I haven't been on here in a while because so much has been going on in my life. My beloved dog, Candy Kisses, passed away after being my best friend for 13 years. I just cried all day! She will always have a special place in my heart. My mom fell and broke her hip several weeks ago and is now in rehab and doing well. She's up and walking about 30 feet at a time. I think she's doing excellent considering she's 86 years old.
We are no longer fostering children! My husband and I decided that after 5 years of fostering we needed to spend more time with each other. Plus we're in our 50's and just don't have the energy level that we did 5 years ago. Well, come back to my site again soon because I have more projects to post and will do so as time allows!
Happy Thanksgiving Everyone! Gobble, Gobble!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

waterfall Bowl

Hey guys! Hope everyone has been doing fine since I last blogged! I know it's been awhile, but to say I have a busy life is an understatement!! When I sit down at the end of the day, I'm just too tired to do anything and I usually fall asleep right away. But usually on the weekends I find the time to do my crafts. This is my new fabric wrap bowl that I've been working on for several weeks. It doesn't usually take too long to make one of these, but this one took longer than usual because of so little free time. I love the colors!! I call this one Waterfall! I hope to make more of these this summer. I'm putting this one in a local store here in my hometown. They sell as soon as they hit the store and most time before they even make it to the store. People see them while I'm in the process of making them in my home and buy them before they're finished! I just can't make them fast enough! Well, that's all for now folks. Until next time, God Bless...

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

my first doily!

I finished this doily alot sooner than I expected and it was much easier than I expected! I had to take some of it out and start over a couple of times, but it was worth every stitch. I love how this turned out and this might be the gift that I make for family gifts this next Christmas. So if you're reading this, now you know! Anyway, I hope you enjoy looking at all my insane crafts and God Bless until next time...

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Pin Cushion Baskets

Hey everyone! It's a beautiful day outside, but unfortunately I'm alittle under the weather so I'm home instead of at work. If anyone can explain this to me, please feel free to do so: I eat healthy, don't smoke and take vitamins, and I catch EVERYTHING that goes around. On the other hand, my daughter and husband who don't eat all that healthy or take vitamins NEVER gets sick. I am a twin and only weighed 4lbs. at birth and I've always wondered if that has anything to do with my weak immune system? Hmmmmmm...I'll probably never know the answer to that one. So I'm just sitting here in bed and thought I'd show you my latest project that I completed during spring break. Once again, I've combined my love of fabric and basket weaving and made these beautiful and functional pin cushion baskets! I think I love the colors that "pop" like the Batik fabric, the most, but then again, the fabric that has that "old fashioned" look to it also looks pretty. I can never make up my mind about which I love the most. Anyway these are $20.00 each if you are interested in one. If you will just leave a comment and let me know what color or name of fabric you want and the usual name, address and zip code, I'll get one made for you. These pin cushions have a good weight to them so they stay put and that's just one more feature that I love about these pin cushions. So, there you have it, God Bless until next time...

Saturday, April 10, 2010



Friday, April 9, 2010

Double Wedding Ring Quilt

Looking back over all my crafts or projects, I never begin small. I alway jump in way over my head, but usually come out of it with a project I'm proud of. My very good friend, Brenda, came to my house one Saturday and taught me how to paper piece a quilt together. It's really easy if you have the right person showing you how like I did. Brenda was very patient with me! Anyway, these are the arcs I've completed so far and I couldn't wait to show you a few pieces. This is one project that will take a while to finish. But then again, there are just some things you can't rush and quilting is one of them. I will machine piece this quilt top together, but will then hand quilt it to the back, which I haven't chosen yet. This quilt will be for my son and daughter-in-law. I chose Batik fabric for my quilt because I love the rich color and unpredictable patterns. Again, I'll post pics as complete each section. Until we meet again, God Bless...


Well, looks like I'm back on! A ticker sorta thing popped up on my blog and I haven't been able to access my blog for several weeks! I've tried everything to get it off and this is the first time I've been able to get in and type anything. I've been VERY busy creating lots of things. I've been working on a crochet doily and this particular one is from the book, "Learning To Make Stunning Doilies by American School of Needlework and is called Pinwheel Doily. The directions are easy to readand the designs are beautiful! I should be finished with this project this weekend and I'll try to post the finished doily for you to view.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

What is this thing that's happening to me! I'm irritable, cranky, have mood changes that would give you whiplash, night sweats, and hot flashes! I need someone to help stop this insanity. Oh, and the crying! I'm so emotional these days. I don't understand these changes that are going on inside my body. I got through puberty just fine and I've always heard of women going through "the change", and felt sorry for their them and tried to understand and have compassion. But this!! This is what movies are made of. I don't remember my mother having this much difficulty. I remember her having the hot flashes, but not so much the emotional part of it. Or maybe, she just hid it better than I do. However, I have learned to use it to my advantage. I had a "small" menopausal fit one day when I came in from working my SECOND JOB and found everyone sitting on the couch watching t.v. I morphed into this evil being that I never knew existed inside me, BUT, the kids got the dishes done, husband began doing the laundry, clothes got folded and then everyone went to their rooms. I had the whole(clean)downstairs to myself for the evening! I actually scared myself! I had no idea I could behave like that. Well, maybe I should say "lose control" like that. Word to the wise, don't cross a menopausal, estrogen depleted, hot flashing woman! Just agree with her and do whatever she tells you and you'll survive. Maybe... God Bless until next time...

Sunday, February 28, 2010

I had this awesome idea the other day! Why not combine my love of fabric and basket weaving together and create fabric baskets!!! So here's my first project. I think it turned out great and was alot of fun to make! I plan on making more real soon. I think the next one will be made out of some fun and crazy fabric with yellow this time. Yellow is my absolute favorite color. It's just bright and happy! However, my favorite flowers are white daisy's, not the yellow one's. Daisy's are just simple and pretty! There's alot to be said for simplicity, especially in this day and time. Right now, I'm looking forward to the summer so I can get back to the basics of life. I'll have more time to read my bible, spend with my 86 year old mother and my sister and do some canning and sewing and other projects that I've got on hold for now because work is so consuming. I've gotten off the subject, but just wanted to share alittle about what I like and what makes me who I am. Have a wonderfully blessed day until next time...

Good morning fellow bloggers! It's Sunday, the Lord's day and I would like to encourage everyone to spend at least 15 minutes today and everyday with God, either in prayer or reading the Word! God is so good! Everything we have on this earth, our families, worldly possessions, friends and even our talents come from the Almighty God, our Savior!
Here's a verse that spoke to me this morning as I began to do my devotional:
"...all who keep the Sabbath without descrating it and who hold fast to my covenant- these I will bring to my holy mountain and give them joy in my house of prayer." (Isa. 56:6-7). God just wants a relationship with us just like the relationships we want with our earthly family and friends. He loves it when we come to Him in prayer and talk to Him. This is something I need to do more often. When I do, I feel His love and power all day. I feel His protection all around me! I love my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ with all my heart!!
I wanted to share a new fabric wrap bowl with you today! Now, I know I tell you everytime I post a new project on this site, that this project is my favorite. But truth be told, EVERY project is my favorite because they are all different and have their on "personalities" and there is usually a story behind each project. Some I can tell you and others I can't. Anyway, this bowl is definitely one of my favs because the colors just turned out beautiful! I love bright colors! They just give off an energy of their own. Don't you agree? I call this bowl springtime, mostly because it's blue color reminds of the blue waters off the coast of Cancun and of the blue sky in the spring, which is just around the corner. I have loved the snow we've had this year, but am SO ready for spring and summer to get here!! Love to all, and God Bless until next time...

Saturday, February 27, 2010

I haven't written anything lately because I've been busy quilting and sewing. Here's a couple of my projects that I've completed. This is my button bowl and so fun to make. I love these bowls, but they take some time to make them. I think this is sold, but to be honest, after I complete a project to sell, I really want to keep it for myself! So much time and effort goes into these projects, it's just hard to give them up. I'm sure other crafters feel the same way though.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Keith's Quilt

Hey everyone! It's been several days since I last posted something, but I'm back at work now with the snow all melted. But I do have something very special to share with you. I met up with a friend from high school about a month ago whom I haven't seen him in about 35 years!! WOW! Where did the time go? I've enjoyed catching up on old times with Keith. He seems to know the whereabouts of everyone from our high school days and lets us know when a high school buddy has joined facebook. The "something special" I mentioned is this beautiful quilt top that Keith's great grandmother hand pieced for him. She hand pieced a quilt top for each of her grandchildren and great grandchildren,(hope I got that information correct) but never finished putting the backs on and completing the quilt. Keith has asked me to finish putting the quilt back on and hand quilt it for him. I feel so honored to do this and I pray I can make his great grandmother proud!! I'll post pics of the project as I go, but it will take time to finish this project. Some things you just can't rush and quilting is one of those things! God Bless you until next time...

Monday, February 15, 2010

Pin Cushion

hey there! i told you my world is insane with baskets and crafts! i have so much i want to share with you that i have been posting several posts a day! anyway, since i sew alot, i needed a new pin cushion. here is one i designed and am very happy with the finished product. it's just the right size for me which is much bigger than you can purchase in the stores. most of what you get in the stores are the regulation size tomato pin cushion. i need a bigger pin cushion to serve my needs. this was easy to make and i hope to make more and sell them. i love bright material and use it quite often in my projects. well, i need to go make breakfast for my children, they're wanting pancakes this morning, so until next time, God bless...

My Wine Baskets

hey everyone! hope all is having a wonderful day. since we're out of school, again, for snow, i've been completing alot of projects. here is a picture of some of my wine baskets that i made for my sister-in-law to give out as birthday presents. i wonder if she'll provide the wine to go inside the baskets?? anyway, i'm not sure if you can see, but i wove a piece of grapevine around the top of the baskets. i think it adds that "something extra"! i actually designed this basket on my own. we have a winery in the next town over and as i was driving by one day, the idea to make wine baskets hit me. i couldn't wait to get home and design this basket. yesterday, i finished a market basket and i worked a braided weave on top of the handle. i'll post a pic as soon as i finish staining it. well, i hear the pitter-patter of little feet coming down the stairs, so i must go create a devine breakfast of cereal or oatmealfor my little ones. have a bless day, until next time...

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Finished! Finally!

Here's the tote I've been telling you guys about. It took me several weeks to make this only because I have such a busy life: 4 children, cooking, washing, homework, lesson plans, you gals know the routine! Anyway, I'm quite please with this tote and love the fabric (Batik). I'll probably use this to "tote" my projects around town, like if I'm going to be sitting in the doctor's office, I'll just be able to pick it up and go and I'll have something to work on without having to stop and gather the needed items. Some how, I noticed that when the tote was finished, I had a pocket left over that I never used! Kind of like taking a car apart and putting it back together and having a few extra parts left over. When I noticed the pocket, I thought, "this can't be good", but I really don't think I needed an extra pocket, so no worries! Hope you enjoy, until next time, God Bless...

Here it is!!

Here's what was in the beautifully wrapped gift left on my pillow this morning! My husband added a charm to my bracelet, a red birthstone for my son's birthday. I already had the green birthstone for my daughter. I'll eventually get a birthstone for every significant person in my life. Isn't it pretty?! Guys, you can never go wrong with pretty shinny things for the woman in your life. God Bless until next time...

Happy Valentines Day to everyone! My husband and I seldom get each other anything for Valentines Day or most holidays because we feel we've been blessed with so much! However, apparently this year is an exception! I stayed home from church this morning to take care of my child who had her wisdom teeth extracted. When everyone else left for church, I headed back to my bedroom to get showered and make the bed and I found this beautiful package which had been placed on my pillow! Well, totally not expecting this, my heart jumped and I wanted to open it right away, but decided I would open it when Roy (my husband) gets home from church. I'll let you know what it is as soon as I can. By the way, this picture was taken in 2009 at a celebration lunch, right after my son proposed to Jacqui.Roy doesn't like getting his picture made so I had to go way back on my camera and this was the most recent pic I had available. He's a good man, husband, father and friend. We will be married for 33 years on March 19th! WHEW! That's a long time! But I love him so much more than I ever thought was possible. I've been blessed. Until next time, God bless you...

Saturday, February 13, 2010

The top quilt is a rag quilt created from Homespun Material. I love this material because is looks so old fashioned! And that's me: old fashioned. I even wear an apron when I cook.
The second quilt is called a Snowball Quilt that I made for my daugher years ago. I began cutting out the pieces of this quilt when I was in grad school. It was a nice break from all the studying and papers I had to write. In 1997, the quilt was put together, but not quilted yet. It was held together by safety pins. In 1998, I had 1/4th of it quilted and now here it is, 2010 and I'm just now finishing the quilting! I guess better late than never. All the material in the quilt is from scraps from clothing I made for my daughter while she was growing up. And the best part is that she remembers the outfits! That's pretty awesome! I love this quilt the most I guess because of the memories. This quilt was an actual pattern, but I have a quilt that is literally "pieced" together with scraps I had at the house and some "purchased" fabric. I hope to post a pic soon. Until next time, God Bless...

Friday, February 12, 2010

hey everyone!today's been awesome mostly because we're on our fall break from school! so i spent most of my day working on my projects. i can't wait to show you the tote i'm making out of batik fabrik! the directions aren't very clear, so it's taking me a while to figure them out. but here are some crochet snowflakes that i've done over the past few years. i love to make them at Christmas and put one in each of the Christmas cards that i send out. i really don't know how much longer i can make these, because when i finish one, my eyes are crossed from straining them so hard to see the stitches. they are very tiny stitches (chains) and it takes a while to make them, but they're worth it in the end. hope you enjoy. God bless until next time...

Wednesday, February 10, 2010
i thought i'd introduce my family to you. taz the pug, reagan the lab and candy kisses the fearless Chihuahua! candy kisses has been a part of our family since 1997. she was given to me by one of supervisors in graduate school. she originally belonged to Lori Morgan's (country music singer) sister, beth. candy's siblings were show dogs, but candy's teeth were out of line and one protrudes outward and looks like a fang. Plus, her personality was not conducive to that of a good show dog. my supervisor asked if i would be interested in "babysitting" her for a weekend. we did and fell in love with her. but as is with most chihuahua's, she VERY protective of me and even bit my husband once when he hugged me before leaving for work!
TAZ! what can i say about taz! cute, playful, funny, and an asthmatics worst nightmare! i bought her for roy's birthday a few years ago and i soon began having asthma attacks and would also break out and itch on my neck,and face. so, we ended up having to find her a really good home/family to live with. i miss her, but can see her whenever i wish.

Reagan, the beautiful black lab was saved from the pound. she was named after one of our favorite presidents, ronald reagan, like all labs, reagan is very laid back and great with children! she loves to walk around the neighborhood and check out what's going on and maybe get a nibble from someone. she also likes to sit in the front yard as if she's the "police watch dog" for the neighborhood. but her favorite place in smack dab in the middle of our den on her bed. she's such a loyal dog! she's not allowed in our bedroom, so once when roy was sick, reagan laid at the bedroom door all day! she was making sure roy was okay and would have called 911 if necessary. she's the sweetest dog EVER!

these are my other children!! LOL! my beautiful and talented daughter, Ashley, who is my very best friend! And my wonderful son, R.J., and his beautiful wife, Jacqui. they are my life and are the most wonderful blessings any parent could have. i could not have "hand picked" a more wonderful, christian woman for my son. check out her website listed under links on this page. my ashley lives with us right now while she is in college and i'm loving every minute of it. she's the best!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

well, i'm was so excited about showing you my fabric wrap bowls, that i'm just gonna go ahead and put them up. i've had many request for these, especially, my fiesta bowl. they take many, many hours to make and then several hours to sew them together. to make these, i mostly just use fabric scraps that i already have around the house from previous projects. however, i did purchase new material for the fiesta bowl. i love how the colors just "pop". as with all my bowls, no two are the same. they may have the same colors of fabric, but they always turn out to be very individual designs. the fabric that i used in the bowl with the button in the center is called "homespun" fabric and gives the bowl an old fashion look. the bowl with the handles was just some "calico" fabrics that i had on hand. i love fabric! i love fabric so much that i even framed some and hung the frames on the wall above my !bed. i could spend hours and hours in a fabric store just looking and thinking about possible projects. ~love~love~love~ fabrics~
until next time, have a blessed day...

well, here are a few more filet crochet projects that i've done. the family name hangs over the fireplace and the "welcome" hangs in our sitting room.
my daughter and i are hoping to have a crochet and knitting class very soon for some local teachers. i'm very excited about this class, mostly, because all these teacher's have such outgoing personalities and are just wonderful, loving people. i look forward to all the fun i know we'll have. i guess the most important thing i will have to teach these ladies is that you have to have patience with yourself when learning to crochet. so many people that i've taught just want to have one class and leave with a finished project. it takes many hours of practice to learn how to crochet. but in the end, you'll be glad you put the practice in and your projects will be works of art!

some crochet stuff

i thought i'd break away from my baskets and show you some of my crochet and other stuff. this is called filet crochet and is the initial of my last name. i've done alot of filet crochet family names for wedding gifts. i just love how pretty the finished product looks, however, the work is very tedious and a great strain on my eyes. believe it or not, this is a very easy project to do as long as you know how to chain. you just have to use a tiny crochet hook and make sure your tension is very snug. this one is conveniently hung in my bathroom! LOL! anyway, i have my full last name hanging over the fireplace and mantle. i'll put a picture of it up later. well, you guys have a wonderful and blessed day, until next time...

Monday, February 8, 2010

White Oak Baskets

hey everyone, hope all had a wonderful day today! mine was great! i was out in the garage today trying to organize my weaving supplies and that's when it hit me. i haven't shown you my one and only white oak basket that i made back in october. my sister-in-law and i drove up to Jamestown, Tn. and took a white oak basket class from this wonderful gentleman. we actually met this man at the Cannon County White Oak Craft Fair in Tennessee. after speaking to him for a while, we decided to take his class and it was the most wonderful experience. he was a true southern gentleman and he and his wife showed us what good southern hospitality is all about. the class lasted three days. we learned to identify a "good" white oak, chop it down, split it, shave it, and weave it into a basket. not an easy process i might add. i now understand why these wonderful and beautiful baskets are so expensive!!

i loved this handle! we had a couple of handles to choose from that we could make, but this was the most popular one. i have to say that throughout the three day long class, i must have sliced my fingers 3 or 4 times from the weavers and managed to get some blister's as well. sharp objects, wood and me are not a good mixture.
while this is not your typical white oak basket, it's very pretty and functional, however, this one is used only for decoration. i hope to weave the more popular "egg basket" this summer, but i have to say it is my least favorite to weave. it is very difficult and i think it will take years, probably, before i can weave an egg basket of decent quality
well, i hope you've enjoyed looking at my one and only white oak basket. i'll post some pics of the class soon.