Sunday, February 28, 2010

Good morning fellow bloggers! It's Sunday, the Lord's day and I would like to encourage everyone to spend at least 15 minutes today and everyday with God, either in prayer or reading the Word! God is so good! Everything we have on this earth, our families, worldly possessions, friends and even our talents come from the Almighty God, our Savior!
Here's a verse that spoke to me this morning as I began to do my devotional:
"...all who keep the Sabbath without descrating it and who hold fast to my covenant- these I will bring to my holy mountain and give them joy in my house of prayer." (Isa. 56:6-7). God just wants a relationship with us just like the relationships we want with our earthly family and friends. He loves it when we come to Him in prayer and talk to Him. This is something I need to do more often. When I do, I feel His love and power all day. I feel His protection all around me! I love my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ with all my heart!!
I wanted to share a new fabric wrap bowl with you today! Now, I know I tell you everytime I post a new project on this site, that this project is my favorite. But truth be told, EVERY project is my favorite because they are all different and have their on "personalities" and there is usually a story behind each project. Some I can tell you and others I can't. Anyway, this bowl is definitely one of my favs because the colors just turned out beautiful! I love bright colors! They just give off an energy of their own. Don't you agree? I call this bowl springtime, mostly because it's blue color reminds of the blue waters off the coast of Cancun and of the blue sky in the spring, which is just around the corner. I have loved the snow we've had this year, but am SO ready for spring and summer to get here!! Love to all, and God Bless until next time...

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