Sunday, February 28, 2010

I had this awesome idea the other day! Why not combine my love of fabric and basket weaving together and create fabric baskets!!! So here's my first project. I think it turned out great and was alot of fun to make! I plan on making more real soon. I think the next one will be made out of some fun and crazy fabric with yellow this time. Yellow is my absolute favorite color. It's just bright and happy! However, my favorite flowers are white daisy's, not the yellow one's. Daisy's are just simple and pretty! There's alot to be said for simplicity, especially in this day and time. Right now, I'm looking forward to the summer so I can get back to the basics of life. I'll have more time to read my bible, spend with my 86 year old mother and my sister and do some canning and sewing and other projects that I've got on hold for now because work is so consuming. I've gotten off the subject, but just wanted to share alittle about what I like and what makes me who I am. Have a wonderfully blessed day until next time...

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