Wednesday, February 10, 2010

i thought i'd introduce my family to you. taz the pug, reagan the lab and candy kisses the fearless Chihuahua! candy kisses has been a part of our family since 1997. she was given to me by one of supervisors in graduate school. she originally belonged to Lori Morgan's (country music singer) sister, beth. candy's siblings were show dogs, but candy's teeth were out of line and one protrudes outward and looks like a fang. Plus, her personality was not conducive to that of a good show dog. my supervisor asked if i would be interested in "babysitting" her for a weekend. we did and fell in love with her. but as is with most chihuahua's, she VERY protective of me and even bit my husband once when he hugged me before leaving for work!
TAZ! what can i say about taz! cute, playful, funny, and an asthmatics worst nightmare! i bought her for roy's birthday a few years ago and i soon began having asthma attacks and would also break out and itch on my neck,and face. so, we ended up having to find her a really good home/family to live with. i miss her, but can see her whenever i wish.

Reagan, the beautiful black lab was saved from the pound. she was named after one of our favorite presidents, ronald reagan, like all labs, reagan is very laid back and great with children! she loves to walk around the neighborhood and check out what's going on and maybe get a nibble from someone. she also likes to sit in the front yard as if she's the "police watch dog" for the neighborhood. but her favorite place in smack dab in the middle of our den on her bed. she's such a loyal dog! she's not allowed in our bedroom, so once when roy was sick, reagan laid at the bedroom door all day! she was making sure roy was okay and would have called 911 if necessary. she's the sweetest dog EVER!

these are my other children!! LOL! my beautiful and talented daughter, Ashley, who is my very best friend! And my wonderful son, R.J., and his beautiful wife, Jacqui. they are my life and are the most wonderful blessings any parent could have. i could not have "hand picked" a more wonderful, christian woman for my son. check out her website listed under links on this page. my ashley lives with us right now while she is in college and i'm loving every minute of it. she's the best!

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