Saturday, February 20, 2010

Keith's Quilt

Hey everyone! It's been several days since I last posted something, but I'm back at work now with the snow all melted. But I do have something very special to share with you. I met up with a friend from high school about a month ago whom I haven't seen him in about 35 years!! WOW! Where did the time go? I've enjoyed catching up on old times with Keith. He seems to know the whereabouts of everyone from our high school days and lets us know when a high school buddy has joined facebook. The "something special" I mentioned is this beautiful quilt top that Keith's great grandmother hand pieced for him. She hand pieced a quilt top for each of her grandchildren and great grandchildren,(hope I got that information correct) but never finished putting the backs on and completing the quilt. Keith has asked me to finish putting the quilt back on and hand quilt it for him. I feel so honored to do this and I pray I can make his great grandmother proud!! I'll post pics of the project as I go, but it will take time to finish this project. Some things you just can't rush and quilting is one of those things! God Bless you until next time...

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