Thursday, July 1, 2010

The Latest!

This is my latest project. It's a crochet duffle bag/backpack! It's been a big hit and this one sold immediately, so I'm in the process of making more. It's very sturdy and will hold just about anything. As with all handmade items, it takes time to make this, but the more I make the faster I can crochet it. This really is very easy to make although I had to "tweek" the directions a bit. Only two stitches are involved; double crochet and double triple crochet. The red tie is just a red cord I found at a fabric store.
Well, I haven't been on here in a while because so much has been going on in my life. My beloved dog, Candy Kisses, passed away after being my best friend for 13 years. I just cried all day! She will always have a special place in my heart. My mom fell and broke her hip several weeks ago and is now in rehab and doing well. She's up and walking about 30 feet at a time. I think she's doing excellent considering she's 86 years old.
We are no longer fostering children! My husband and I decided that after 5 years of fostering we needed to spend more time with each other. Plus we're in our 50's and just don't have the energy level that we did 5 years ago. Well, come back to my site again soon because I have more projects to post and will do so as time allows!
Happy Thanksgiving Everyone! Gobble, Gobble!

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