Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!I'm Soooo stuffed!It's 7:30pm and I can finally sit down and rest. I'm sure all of you feel the same way too! I couldn't wait to get to my blog and show you some more of my projects. These are just two of the crochet hats I've made. I can't seem to make them quick enough though. My daughter "claimed" this gold one before I could finish it. I think it's my favorite one too. I love the little felt flowers on the side. I have some new thread and can't wait to start new projects. Well this is a short visit today. I still have much to clean-up, but loved having my family and friends over for Thanksgiving Dinner. See ya soon...

Thursday, July 1, 2010

The Latest!

This is my latest project. It's a crochet duffle bag/backpack! It's been a big hit and this one sold immediately, so I'm in the process of making more. It's very sturdy and will hold just about anything. As with all handmade items, it takes time to make this, but the more I make the faster I can crochet it. This really is very easy to make although I had to "tweek" the directions a bit. Only two stitches are involved; double crochet and double triple crochet. The red tie is just a red cord I found at a fabric store.
Well, I haven't been on here in a while because so much has been going on in my life. My beloved dog, Candy Kisses, passed away after being my best friend for 13 years. I just cried all day! She will always have a special place in my heart. My mom fell and broke her hip several weeks ago and is now in rehab and doing well. She's up and walking about 30 feet at a time. I think she's doing excellent considering she's 86 years old.
We are no longer fostering children! My husband and I decided that after 5 years of fostering we needed to spend more time with each other. Plus we're in our 50's and just don't have the energy level that we did 5 years ago. Well, come back to my site again soon because I have more projects to post and will do so as time allows!
Happy Thanksgiving Everyone! Gobble, Gobble!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

waterfall Bowl

Hey guys! Hope everyone has been doing fine since I last blogged! I know it's been awhile, but to say I have a busy life is an understatement!! When I sit down at the end of the day, I'm just too tired to do anything and I usually fall asleep right away. But usually on the weekends I find the time to do my crafts. This is my new fabric wrap bowl that I've been working on for several weeks. It doesn't usually take too long to make one of these, but this one took longer than usual because of so little free time. I love the colors!! I call this one Waterfall! I hope to make more of these this summer. I'm putting this one in a local store here in my hometown. They sell as soon as they hit the store and most time before they even make it to the store. People see them while I'm in the process of making them in my home and buy them before they're finished! I just can't make them fast enough! Well, that's all for now folks. Until next time, God Bless...

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

my first doily!

I finished this doily alot sooner than I expected and it was much easier than I expected! I had to take some of it out and start over a couple of times, but it was worth every stitch. I love how this turned out and this might be the gift that I make for family gifts this next Christmas. So if you're reading this, now you know! Anyway, I hope you enjoy looking at all my insane crafts and God Bless until next time...

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Pin Cushion Baskets

Hey everyone! It's a beautiful day outside, but unfortunately I'm alittle under the weather so I'm home instead of at work. If anyone can explain this to me, please feel free to do so: I eat healthy, don't smoke and take vitamins, and I catch EVERYTHING that goes around. On the other hand, my daughter and husband who don't eat all that healthy or take vitamins NEVER gets sick. I am a twin and only weighed 4lbs. at birth and I've always wondered if that has anything to do with my weak immune system? Hmmmmmm...I'll probably never know the answer to that one. So I'm just sitting here in bed and thought I'd show you my latest project that I completed during spring break. Once again, I've combined my love of fabric and basket weaving and made these beautiful and functional pin cushion baskets! I think I love the colors that "pop" like the Batik fabric, the most, but then again, the fabric that has that "old fashioned" look to it also looks pretty. I can never make up my mind about which I love the most. Anyway these are $20.00 each if you are interested in one. If you will just leave a comment and let me know what color or name of fabric you want and the usual name, address and zip code, I'll get one made for you. These pin cushions have a good weight to them so they stay put and that's just one more feature that I love about these pin cushions. So, there you have it, God Bless until next time...

Saturday, April 10, 2010



Friday, April 9, 2010

Double Wedding Ring Quilt

Looking back over all my crafts or projects, I never begin small. I alway jump in way over my head, but usually come out of it with a project I'm proud of. My very good friend, Brenda, came to my house one Saturday and taught me how to paper piece a quilt together. It's really easy if you have the right person showing you how like I did. Brenda was very patient with me! Anyway, these are the arcs I've completed so far and I couldn't wait to show you a few pieces. This is one project that will take a while to finish. But then again, there are just some things you can't rush and quilting is one of them. I will machine piece this quilt top together, but will then hand quilt it to the back, which I haven't chosen yet. This quilt will be for my son and daughter-in-law. I chose Batik fabric for my quilt because I love the rich color and unpredictable patterns. Again, I'll post pics as complete each section. Until we meet again, God Bless...